Our approach to health and safety

Our approach to health and safety management centres on continual improvement with effective leadership, accountability and our extensive operational experience at the foundation – coupled with clear policies, operating standards and competent and motivated employees.

To continually improve how we manage health and safety, we seek advice from and implement the recommendations of independent experts, use risk assessments to better understand our exposure risk, implement lessons learnt from incidents and audits, share experiences and benchmark our performance against that of our clients and industry peers. The Group health, safety & environment framework outlines the role, responsibilities and accountabilities of the corporate office and business platforms, and defines policies, minimum standards, reporting and assurance processes as well as knowledge sharing practices. All businesses are required to implement health and safety plans that prioritise the framework’s requirements and report their progress to the executive and the HSE Board committees. As part of our combined assurance programme, self-assessments and independent assessments by internal and external experts ensure that line management exercises its oversight responsibility

Our Priorities

Visible felt leadership and accountability

Our leaders are expected to demonstrate consistent commitment and vigilance to safety that is visible and felt. Every leader commits to live and abide by our Safety Leadership Pledge and is assessed on safety in their performance management reviews. They are required to set high safety standards, lead by example, empower employees to perform their work safely, recognise good performance and hold direct reports accountable for safety performance.

Group HSE standards

The Group HSE standards set high-level requirements to manage common material health and safety risks. All businesses are required to implement the standards to achieve a consistent and sustainable approach to safety management across the Group.

Safety indicators

Our safety performance is measured using the following indicators:

  • Lag indicators: including Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, Total Recordable Case Rate and Total Injuries Frequency Rate.
  • Lead indicators: including Visible Felt Leadership engagements, high potential incidents and hazards, compliance with critical safety standards, near misses, work stoppages and audit findings, among others. Lead indicators identify emerging trends that require management attention before they lead to serious incidents or injuries.
Critical risks control management

Each business has a major incident prevention programme to identify the critical controls needed to prevent major incidents. Operational line managers are responsible for ensuring that the critical controls mandated by the programme are implemented and verified onsite prior to high-risk activities being undertaken.

Continual improvement

Initiatives to continually enhance our safety approach include:

  • Learning and sharing: we leverage our diverse operations and experience with clients to share knowledge, learnings and initiatives found to be effective. Sharing takes place using numerous mechanisms such as forums to tackle common health and safety challenges, the annual safety conference and cross-site audits.
  • Technology: to reduce workforce exposure to safety risks.
  • Incident investigations: all incidents are thoroughly investigated to determine root causes and where corrective measures can be implemented. The executive and HSE committees review major incidents and lessons learnt are shared across the organisation.
Integrated Health and Wellness Programme

Our integrated health and wellness programme aims to prevent illnesses and proactively manage identified health conditions using the following mechanisms:

  • Periodic qualitative and quantitative risk assessments and monitoring: to identify and understand health risks in our workplaces.
  • Pre-employment, periodic and exit medical surveillance examinations: to detect workplace-related diseases early and provide the necessary treatment to prevent further deterioration.
  • Screening and testing: to manage communicable and non-communicable diseases
  • Healthcare education and awareness initiatives: to encourage healthy lifestyle choices. Initiatives include Wellness Days at project sites.
  • Employee Assistance programme: to provide counselling support and advice to employees and their immediate families when they experience health, personal or work-related difficulties

For more information on our health and safety performance, see our sustainability report